Stem cell research use and, how it may help find a cure for muscular dystrophy

Stem cell research provides hope for the cure of muscular dystrophy. Stem cells research is a relatively novel technology that utilizes primitive cells of human beings and develops them to come up with a variety of human cells including brain cells, blood cells and muscle cells. Scientists claim that stem cell research provides hope for and has the potential to reveal treatments and possibly even cures for serious diseases such as neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinsons and Alzheimers disease, diabetes, heart diseases and muscular disorders such as Muscular Dystrophy. This paper is going to explore published work, reviewed journals and legitimate websites to reveal the uses of stem cell research and how it can be utilized to find a cure for Muscular Dystrophy.

Human stem cells, according to National Bioethics Advisory Commission, United States, are obtained either from embryos or adult tissue (p, 9). Embryonic stem cells can be developed for the sole intent of stem cells research these cells can also be leftover embryos from other sources such as in-vitro fertilization (National Bioethics Advisory Commission, United States p, 11). National Institutes of Health states that in in-vitro fertilization embryos are developed in surplus in advance and only a few embryos, which are considered most viable, are selected for fertilization treatment (para, 1). This results in some embryos being leftover. They are donated to those looking for fertility assistance and also for the purpose of research or destroyed in case they are not put into use. The process of harvesting of embryonic and adult stem cells for medical purposes, according to National Institutes of Health, can be referred to as therapeutic cloning (para, 1). Though closely related to reproductive cloning the goals of therapeutic cloning are different. It does not strive to develop whole human beings rather it focuses on making embryos as a resource of embryonic stem cells for medical purposes (Forman p, 10). Adult stem cells are obtained from adults with minor injury to the adult. It is however, difficult to harvest adult stem cells as compared to embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells can also be utilized for numerous roles as compared to adult stem cells. As a result of their potential use as well as the question in regards to when life begins, embryonic stem cells are the principle subjects of debate concerning stem cells research (Forman p, 11). This debate, in general as asserted by the Forman, contains two major ethical concerns the potential for human cloning and whether pre-embryos and embryos are human life (p, 20). The fears of human cloning, brought about by stem cell research, generate a huge controversy over this issue. When stem cell research first gained popularity scientists were concerned with the likelihood of employing stem cells to clone humans. Proponents, as indicated by the National Bioethics Advisory Commission, United States, give many reasons in support of human cloning, including the likelihood of developing another person and in case body parts and tissues become diseased or dysfunctional replacements can be obtained from the clone (p, 209). Opponents on the other hand argue that it is not within mans authority to develop, control and destroy human life. Opponents argue that life begins at conception and that the use of human and even embryos, for purposes of research is not ethical (National Bioethics Advisory Commission, United States p, 213). Proponents on the other hand argue that embryos are only insignificant amounts of undifferentiated tissue, and due to the fact that they are already destined for destruction and have great potential benefit, they are supposed to be used potentially to help others. In the United States it is legal to carry out stem cells research. Privately financed laboratories carry out both adult and embryonic stem cell research with leftover embryos from other processes as well as those specifically harvested for research (Forman p, 85).

Stem cell research use and, how it may help find a cure for muscular dystrophy
Stem cells, according to Starr, have a very high potential of developing into any type of cell in the body (p, 35). These cells also serve as a source of cells for internal repair system. They continually divide in order to replenish other cells for as long as the person is alive. After dividing, stem cells have the ability of remaining either as stem cells or becoming other specialized cell types in the body such as blood cells, brain cells or muscle cells. Stem cells have the ability of renewing themselves through cell division (Starr p, 42). Starr states that, they can also, under specialized experimental or physiological conditions, be induced to become specialized tissue or cells to carry out specific roles (p, 42). In some organs, for example the gut, brain, and bone marrow in addition to muscle cells, stem cells continually divide to replace and repair tissues that are worn out or damaged. In other organs such as the pancreas, the liver and the heart stem cells can only divide under special circumstances.

Stem cell research is currently focusing on how stem cells can be manipulated to create replacements for diseased and dysfunctional tissues and organs (National Institutes of Health para, 2). Stem cells, as EuroStemCell asserts, offers hope that one day a cure for wasted muscles in patients with muscular dystrophy will be obtained (para, 1). Studies carried out using mice have revealed that some types of stem cells found in blood vessels could greatly assist individuals suffering from particular forms of muscle dystrophy such as Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (EuroStemCell para, 1). Researchers however, argue that a lot of studies need to be carried out before these findings can be applied to humans. This offers a new focus on research relating to muscular dystrophy. Muscular dystrophy, according to EuroStemCell, is a group of muscular disorders brought about by genetic defects that result in the death of muscle cells and an increase in muscle weakness as time progresses (para, 1). Gene mutation is the major factor that leads to muscular dystrophy (EuroStemCell para, 1). Degeneration, in Duchenne and Beckers muscular dystrophy for example, occur as a result of genetic fault in the production of dystrophin, a protein in the muscle fibers (EuroStemCell para, 2). Currently this disorder has no cure. However, research has shown that if genetically corrected stem cells are introduced into muscles that have been affected by muscular dystrophy they could redevelop muscle fibers that have fully functional stem cells (EuroStemCell para, 3). Once the corrected cells are delivered into the target muscles they would continually produce new groups of muscle cells that are healthy to replace the damaged fibers. Research has revealed that if stem cells are targeted and their numbers boosted the bodys ability to repair muscles could be enhanced (University of New South Wales para, 2).

Scientists have discovered that stem cells, also referred to as mesoangioblasts, have the ability of crossing into muscle tissue from bloodstream (University of New South Wales para, 2). Scientists, therefore according to University of New South Wales, suggest that mesoangioblasts could be obtained from a patients blood vessels, corrected in the lab, and then injected back into the bloodstream (para, 2). The corrected stem cells could then migrate from the patients bloodstream into the muscles where they would start producing healthy cells. These cells would not be attacked by the patients immune system because they were originally obtained from that person (University of New South Wales para, 3). Research, as stated by Cellnews, conducted using mice revealed that treated muscles contained a lot of larger and apparently healthier muscle fibers (para, 2). Mice that had their muscles treated were able to walk on a rotating wheel for a longer period as compared to those whose muscles were not treated (Cellnews para, 2). Scientists however, argue that a lot of hurdles need to be broken before these findings can be applied on human beings. One of the hurdles to overcome concerns that most appropriate way to deliver mesoangioblasts to their target sites. The consequent integration as well as survival of the cells they produce is the other problem. The third hurdle that scientists have to overcome is the mode of controlling the bodys immune system response to foreign cells. The other hurdle that scientists face involves most suitable techniques to use in order to preserve all other stem cells destined to become muscle cells as well as avoid the danger of development of other diseases such as tumors, while enhancing the overall strength and coordination of muscles (Cellnews para, 3). The other problem is that stem cells have the ability of making a wide variety of cells it is very hard for scientists to trick and pull out only the cell they want. All in all Scientists are focused on primary study into muscle stem cells of both embryonic and adult origin. Scientists have isolated mesoangioblasts from biopsies of human muscles in order to gain a proper understanding of their properties and also observe how these cells might behave if transplanted (EuroStemCell para, 5).

Stem cell research is a major avenue of studies that are aimed at discovering cure for muscular dystrophy. Scientists argue that, if corrected mesoangioblasts are transplanted into the muscle, this would lead to muscle regeneration and result in stronger contractility (EuroStemCell para, 6). Studies have also revealed that muscle coordination of treated mice is better than that of untreated mice, though not as good as normal mice (University of New South Wales para, 5). However, the improved coordination is significant because it reveals that corrected mesoangioblasts have benefited the quality of life of the animal. Research is being conducted to reveal whether corrected stem cells have the ability of generating muscle stem cells to replenish muscles (University of New South Wales para, 6).  Studies carried out by a Harvard research team, allowed them develop a new procedure that gave them a ready entry to a supply of adult mesoangioblasts in mice they used these stem cells to counter the impacts of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in experimental animals (Carroll para, 1). This team was able to distinguish muscle stem cells by identifying fundamental proteins found on the surface. They were then harvested and transplanted into the muscles of diseased mice. The transplanted stem cells, as indicated b y Carroll, spread from the injection point and prompted the development of novel stem cells that assisted in improving performance of the muscle (para, 1). Wnt7, as research carried out by the Harvard research team revealed, is a protein that increases adult stem cells production in muscle tissue (Carroll para, 1). This protein therefore plays a major role of building muscle tissue that is bigger and stronger. This study, by the Harvard research team, reveals the presence of regenerating muscle mesoangioblasts in skeletal muscle of adults, and exhibits the probable benefits of stem cells therapy if used for the treatment of degenerative muscle disorders such as muscular dystrophy (Carroll para, 2).

It can therefore be concluded that stem cell research provides hope for the cure of muscular dystrophy, a group of muscular disorders brought about by genetic defects that result in the death of muscle cells and an increase in muscle weakness as time progresses. Stem cell research is currently focusing on how stem cells can be manipulated to create replacements for diseased and dysfunctional tissues and organs. Human stem cells are obtained either from embryos or adult tissue. Embryonic stem cells can be utilized for numerous roles as compared to adult stem cells, because they have a very high potential of developing into any type of cell in the body. Research conducted using mice revealed that treated muscles contained a lot of larger and apparently healthier muscle fibers. Transplantation of treated mesoangioblasts into the muscle, leads to muscle regeneration and results in stronger contractility of muscles. Muscle coordination is also enhanced if corrected stem cells are injected into the diseased muscles. Improved coordination reveals that corrected mesoangioblasts benefits the quality of life of a patient.


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